2024 Sep - Dec Offerings
- 02.001 Global Humanities: Literature, Philosophy, and Ethics
- 02.003 Social Science: Understanding Behaviour, Culture & Society
- 02.110DH The Chinese Lyrical Tradition: Arts, Literature and Landscape Design
- 02.146 Financing Cities of the Future: Theory and Practice
- 02.148HT Geographies of Money and Finance
- 02.152TS Urban Theory
- 02.170HT History of Surveillance in Modern Asia
- 02.172DH Imagine Dragons: Monsters and Outcasts in Literature, from Beowulf to Murakami
- 02.208 Microeconomics
- 02.211 Critical Management Skills
- 02.218TS Introduction to Psychology
- 02.230TS Health Communication and Behavior Change
2025 Jan - Apr Offerings
- 02.121DH The Question of Being
- 02.137DH Introduction to Digital Humanities
- 02.140TS Shaping Futures: Innovation, Work and Society
- 02.147TS Interventions in Design, Technology, and Society
- 02.148HT Geographies of Money and Finance
- 02.151HT Digital Worlds, Space and Spatialities: Geographical Perspectives on Digitalisation
- 02.156DH Games of Histories
- 02.167HT Fashion: East and West (Special Topics)
- 02.172DH Imagine Dragons: Monsters and Outcasts in Literature, from Beowulf to Murakami
- 02.173DH The Medium and the Message: An Introduction to Media Theory
- 02.174TS The Design of Digital Platforms
- 02.175DH Global Film: Art and Technology
- 02.208 Microeconomics
- 02.211 Critical Management Skills
- 02.226 Leaders & Followers
- 02.228TS Design in the Anthropocene
- 02.231TS Transportation Technology and Policy in Urban Progress